These past two weeks have been incredible insane. I've been working pretty much every day for the past two week averaging about 15 hour days. Last minute conflicts in need of resolve, my car breaking down and soaking me dry 5 days before the shoot.
Obstacles are popping out at us from every direction and it is kicking our butts. Today we picked up have of our equipment, running into obstacles all along the way but made it through. Hopefully I will get my car back tomorrow and it will last until the end of the shoot, if not then.............who knows.
Jarret, Michelle and Austin all made it to the location today and got fitted for costumes and played with the guns. Both Michelle and Jarret got some time on the horses and the set is looking great.
Even though the weekend is here and we shoot in two days, there is no rest for me and the above the line crew. I have a meeting with Ken (Director of Photography) and Neil (1st Assistant Director) tomorrow and we will hopefully get the shooting schedule all smoothed out. All we need to finalize as far as pick up goes is the lenses, camera and filters. We are shooting on the Panasonic HVX200 with P2 media and are using the RedrockMicro M2 adapter with Nikon lenses. Ken recently shot a short film entitled "Illegal" directed by Andrew Oh and produced by one of our producers Tony Wang. You can read all about it at, just search for "Illegal."
Ken is using a chocolate filter to shoot Bounty to give it a really cool brownish look.
No turning back now, if I get a chance I'll make another post and hopefully I'll get enough rest on Sunday before the shoot.
here we go....