Bounty The Movie

A journal on the making of the feature length western Bounty.

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Monday, July 16, 2007

Getting close - you can help!

Well the movie is getting even closer to completion but just as usual with low budget filmmaking we run out of money fast. But there is something you can do to help us out.

Right now we are at the point where we are waiting on the sound mix and the composers are ready to record some music. Our only problem is funds are pretty much absent. What we need to raise is about $1000 to record the score with live strings. If you want an idea of the quality of music that the music will sound like visit the composers web page at,

Right now if we were able to raise $500, we would be able to recording about 10 mins of music. Just to put that into perspective the movie is about 100 mins long...pretty much self explanitory. The more money we are able to raise the more of the score we would be able to record.

We are vary close to completion and release is just around the corner, it is just these few elements that need completion before we are finished.

If you feel so inclined and want to see a feature length western film come to completion for you viewing please you can make a donation to support "Bounty" by following the link below:
- once there click on "Make a Donation"

I promise you that when this film is done there are, without a doubt, more westerns to come from the mind of Jared Isham.

thanks again for your help and feel free to pass the word along.