Bounty The Movie

A journal on the making of the feature length western Bounty.

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Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Development Meeting

The script is undergoing some radical changes, again. With the new writers on board we have a brand new outlook on the film and are very excited with where it is going. Tonight we spent about 8 1/2 hours re-developing Act 1. We were able to focus on the key characters and really spend some time getting to know them as well as having something of interest always happening in the entire act. We should have the first set of pages completed by Thursday and will hopefully start hammering out Act 2 and successfully and interestingly meet our points that we already have established for Act 3. Right now the rush is to try and make a shooting date of August or at least begin some principle photography in August in a mad rush to make AFM this year.

We have a new sense of excitement about the script and are looking forward to getting things moving towards production.

Stay tuned...


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